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How to setup a catch all email address for Workflow Notifications

As you know Oracle E-Business Suite is having a lot of workflows which arrange things like PA Budget approvals, PO approvals and AP Invoice approvals. Also workflow will sent so called FYI or For Your Information notifications to users to inform them about special events happened in the system.

When you have activated also the Workflow Notification Mailer E-Business Suite is able to sent out also the notification by email to the enduser. Additionally, when enabled, a user is able to respond on the email. In that case a user is able to approve or decline something without even logging in into the system. The inbound part of Workflow will handle these kind of incoming emails.

When investigating issues with notifications send by email on a test instance it is of course wrong to send out notifications by email to the end users. You can Suspend or Stop the notification mailer service or remove all email addresses from the HR users to prevent this.

When you want to see if the notifications are sent by email and how they will appear to the user it is also possible to catch all the outgoing email notifications and send them to one particular email address.

You can achieve the above by following some small setup steps within Oracle Workflow. See below for the steps.

Go to the function Workflow Manager. This is available within for example responsibility Workflow Administrator or System Administrator (within the Oracle Applications Manager header).

Click on the status icon (whether it's up or down) after Notification Mailers.

Click on the Workflow Notification Mailer link.

Click on the Set Override Address button.

Enter your email address and click Submit.

The system will sent a verification mail to the email address specified. The system is doing this to ensure the email address exists. Within the email is a verification code. This verification code must be entered on the Verify Override Address page. After that hit the Apply button.

The system checks the verification code and if entered correctly ALL the notifications will be sent to the email address specified.

Don't forget to clear the override address when you're done with the things you're doing :-) - Hit the Clear Override Address button on the Set Override Address page.

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