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Generate an overview of your End User Layer in Discoverer

When you're doing a Discoverer implementation Oracle delivers by default a number of seeded Business Area's which provide the ability to report on several applications in e-Business Suite.

Also a Business Area is delivered which will give you the ability to create a report on the End User Layer (EUL) itself. With this you are able to generate an overview of the complete EUL description (Business Area's, Folders, Items etc). Depending on your Discoverer version it will be named something like The Discoverer Vx EUL.
As said in earlier articles the EUL is stored in a number of tables within the EUL database schema. When knowing this it is possible to extract the structure of the EUL directly from the database with executing a SQL statement. See below for an usefull SQL statement I created for your reference. The EUL database schema may be different due to your Discoverer version.

    bas.BA_NAME As "Business Area"
    , bas.BA_DESCRIPTION As "Business Area Description"
    , objs.OBJ_NAME As "Folder Name"
    , objs.OBJ_DESCRIPTION As "Folder Description"
    , expr.EXP_NAME As "Item Name"
    , expr.IT_HEADING As "Item Heading"
    , expr.EXP_DESCRIPTION As "Item Description"
    , decode(expr.EXP_DATA_TYPE,1,'Varchar',2,'Number',3,'Long',4,'Date',5,'Raw',6,'Large binary object',8,'Char',expr.EXP_DATA_TYPE) As "Item Data Type"
    , expr.IT_FORMAT_MASK As "Item Format Mask"
    eulpins_us.eul5_objs objs
    , eulpins_us.eul5_bas bas
    , eulpins_us.eul5_ba_obj_links bol
    , eulpins_us.eul5_expressions expr
    objs.obj_id = bol.bol_obj_id
    AND objs.OBJ_ID = expr.IT_OBJ_ID
    AND bas.ba_id = bol.bol_ba_id
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