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How to clear cache directly from OBIEE?

To have a nice fresh set of data in your dashboards and analyses there is a nice option to accomplish this directly from OBIEE. Remember, this option will clear the complete cache. 

If you have the Administration option in OBIEE you can clear the cache by issueing a direct SQL to the BI server. In order to do this, you need to navigate to Administration.

Click on the Issue SQL option within the Maintenance and Troubleshooting block.

Enter call SAPurgeAllCache() within the textarea and click the Issue SQL button. After the execution of the request by the BI server you'll get a result table with the outcome. Running a dashboard or analysis now will not hit the cache and retrieves a fresh set of data. In a future I'll show you the way to prevent cache hitting per individual run of an analysis or dashboard. Have fun!

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